Tuesday, 26 April 2016


DON'T JUST DUMP IT ....TURN ON YOUR IMAGINATION Photographers are encouraged to be ruthless in deleting any shots that are ordinary or simply not good enough to be proud of. I, however, feel that we can challenge ourselves to take our most awful boo-boos and change them artistically to create something totally new. I have created some great 'backgrounds' and 'modern art' doing this. I invariably discard them at some stage, but the time spent fiddling around with adjustments is therapy in itself. This week I pulled my car over to take a photograph of a lovely sea view but was almost blown away by gale force winds. Before jumping straight back into my car, I took a quick snapshot of the leaves on a tree blowing around in a frenzy. The picture was a disastrous blur, but when I looked more closely I suddenly saw what looked like my very own Monet of sorts!
Claude Monet was a famous French painter whose work gave a name to the art movement Impressionism, which was concerned with capturing light and natural forms.  Monet's Water Lily Pond
Erika's photo unedited and uncropped - just as it turned out

You get the gist of it...whatever you create you attach whatever meaning you want to it...then leave it behind and move on to create again.

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